Control Panel Main Screen

The control panel main screen is characterized by ease of design and use. It includes the following:

The main department on the left of the screen, which is a menu consisting of eight main sections. These sections will be explained in detail in the subsequent videos.

At the top right of the screen, there is a drop-down menu bearing the username, by clicking on it, you can log out from the control panel.

Next to the username there is a microphone icon, by clicking on it, special notifications sent by the system to the control panel use will be shown as informational or alert messages. Next to the microphone icon is a digital counter that represents how many notifications may exist.

Another icon is located next to the microphone icon in the form of a question mark. Clicking on it will browse the help guide and instructions on how to use this control panel in detail.

🎦 Tutorial Video [01:07 min]

Clear Results Section

Through this section, you can choose the medical test result to be interpreted.

You can add any number of test results to be interpreted according to your available test balance.

Once you clicked on (Save and Generate) button, the number of these tests will be deducted from your available test balance.

And if your available balance cannot cover all these required tests, an alert message will emerge to inform you.

🎦 Tutorial Video [01:53 min]

My Test Records Section

All test results you wish to interpret are saved in this section.

You use the previous section (Clear Results section) to choose the tests to be interpreted, and when you click on (Save and Generate) button, you automatically move to the current section (My Test Records section) where the interpreted tests are added and deducted from your balance automatically.

This section consists of a table includes the test name, test date, and test result. And next to each test are three icons.

An X-shaped icon enables you to remove this test from the table. An Eye-shaped icon to view the test result interpretation report in a new tab window, in the form of a PDF file. A diagram-shaped icon to prepare a schematic diagram for the results of similar tests including their record dates.

The (Clarify All Tests) button prepares a collective interpretation report for all the tests included within the table.

🎦 Tutorial Video [04:10 min]

Diagnose My Illness Section

This section is a unique free health tool through which you can identify the main complaint you are suffering from, and then answer several sequential questions related to that complaint, as these medical questions depend on your answer to each question separately with "YES" or "NO" to reach to the expected diagnosis of your health condition accompanied with complete information about this condition, including the proposed treatment.

This section will be available for use only when you purchase your first paid test package and when your test balance is greater than ZERO.

Track My Health Section

This section is a unique free health tool through which you can enter your personal data and answering some required questions, then click on (Generate My Report) button to enable this tool to analyze your data and generate your comprehensive health status report including special recommendations that suit your health condition.

This section will be available for use only when you purchase your first paid test package and when your test balance is greater than ZERO.

Settings Section

🏳 Through this section, you can edit and update your personal data, such as your name, gender, birth date and address.

🏳 You can also change your control panel login data, including your email and password.

🏳 You can change the language of your control panel interface.

🏳 You can also change the language of your test result interpretation reports.

🎦 Tutorial Video [01:04 min]

Balance & Billing Section

Through this section, you will know your available balance of medical tests to be interpreted.

When you create your account for the first time, you will get a FREE test balance to try out and evaluate the system. And to renew and have extra balance, you can buy a paid test package by clicking on (Buy Test Package) button using your credit card.

It also includes a table that represents your payment records, including the dates of payments and the purchased tests.

You can also find out the total tests that you have already interpreted and your current balance of tests available for interpretation.

🎦 Tutorial Video [01:31 min]

Encyclopedia Section

🎓 This section includes our embedded medical test encyclopedia which consists of more than 700 medical tests. You can choose from the drop-down test list to display general information about each test separately.

🎓 You can search for a test by typing its name or category such as searching for the thyroid tests or the hormone tests, and so on.

Medical News Section

📣 Through this section, you can browse the latest medical news related to laboratory medicine all over the world to keep yourself updated.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have an inquiry or a question,
you may find an answer to what you are looking for within the following frequently asked questions

  • What benefits will I get if I use ClearMyResult™ e-service?

    When you join this service, you'll be able to get medical information about more than 700 lab tests with detailed science-based explanations of what your values mean. Also, you will be guided through evidence-based recommensations that will help you restoring your standard health status.

    Once you create your account, you will get 3 FREE TESTS to be interpreted giving you detailed knowledge about your lab test results in simple and easy language to be understood by everyone. You will get PDF reports to save, print or even share them with your doctor/patients.

  • Our medical service is available worldwide. We embedded all international units available, both metric and standard measurements; old and new units, so you can use lab results from any given country. If you can't find your units, let us know by contacting Customer Support, and we will add them as soon as possible as we update our medical content daily.

  • Of course, ClearMyResult™ e-service is designed to respect the privacy and confidentiality of data from each user. No information can be leaked from one user to another. This is what we guarantee to all of our subscribed users.

  • When you create your account for the first time FOR FREE, you will get only 3 FREE lab tests to interpret their results. This is a FREE TRIAL service in order to evaluate it and to know its benefits.

    Then, you can add extra PAID lab tests to your balance by purchasing a test package that includes 5 lab tests. The price of each test package is as low as the price of a cup of coffee. And whenever you want to add more lab tests to your balance in order to interpret more results, you can buy extra test packages as needed.

  • So far, Arabic and English language support is available. Other languages will be added in the future.

  • Yes. You can do this as long as you have the authority to log in your account (username and password). We also provide a FREE application for smartphones, through which you can use this e-service, whether you own an Android or iOS smartphone.

  • When you log in your account, in the "Balance and Billing" section you will discover your tests' balance as well as all your previous payments. In the same section, you can purchase a new test package and pay online using your credit card. It takes only a few seconds.

  • Yes, you can. You will get PDF reports to save, print or even share them with your doctor/patients.

  • Yes. There are additional features for all our users.
    There is an additional medical tool that you will discover on your account page called "Diagnose My Illness", which is a unique and innovative diagnostic tool through which you can mention a main complaint or symptom you are suffering from, then you must answer some questions with "Yes" or "No" until it guides you to the expected illness you have.
    There is also an innovative health calculator called "Track My Health" that generates a comprehensive report about your health status based on your personal information.
    ** You should know that these extra health tools are inactivated and could be used only after purchasing your first paid test package.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact us for help

We welcome your communication any time


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WhatsApp: 00201091476084



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Everyday from 11:00 am. to 08:00 pm.
Except Fridays